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N.Wei Yi, 17'o9, o1'Feb'92.
1A2A3C4G5F6H,1E22E23E24E2,BIT. :D
♥ Family
♥ Dark chocolate (most)
♥ Food
♥ Music
♥ Teppei Koike. XZ, Jay.
× Insects
× Smokers
× Liar
× Rootbeer

Best viewed in Mozilla Firefox (sorry~X:)

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Ack ★

My past 1 My past 2 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 March 2010

Sic ★

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Bye ★

Amirah Audrey CharmaineO CharmaineT Helen Jessica Jiaen Joslin Kelly Keqi Maxine Minkai
Mrfeng Peishan Qinglin Samantha Sean Sheemin Susan Tangjie Vivian Weijie Weikiat Wenjie Yuancai
Wednesday, March 17, 2010 ♥


http://rewindreplaylofe.blogspot.com ! ! ! :)

Arigatou :)

8:45 PM

Tuesday, August 18, 2009 ♥
Get to know me more

What's on your mind?
You'll drop everything to be with the partner of your dreams, and you'll give their sentimental presents rather than expensive ones. Nevertheless, your spontaneous nature does have a limit, and when the romance is over, you'll head back to work to pick up the pieces.

Fav. Animal: Bird
You love nature and freedom. You find rules and regulations to be an utter waste of time. When you feel that you are being controlled, you will try to escape. On weekends, you prefer to travel rather than stay at home.

12:07 AM

Thursday, August 13, 2009 ♥
Hate spoiler xXxXx !

~.~ Study week is here..
haha... so happy.... yet so scared will slack too much x.x
anyway it's good larh, dont need waste so much time travelling to school..

Omg, so look forward to september siah..
can play til siao! :D

30th August: Go back secondary school; sakae! :D
4th~5th Sept: Night Cycling with primers~ (:
6th Sept: Ahying's bday! LOl. actually nothing much too!hahahahah :P jkjk!~
8~10 Sept: Chalet with GFs! :D
Then whad ?
no larh.. :P will plan sometime to kbox & shopping hahahahhahahaha xD
September suddenly rocks so much!
No projects to do, no schoolwork! WOOHOOO~~ Lols!

Hai, but starting from 22nd sept.. need to worry school stuffs liao~~ RESULTS! T________T

Hai, so tired sia... faster septseptsept.. but i dont want to shorten the time for me to study for exams-.-!! lols. so crappy right.

Anyway creating new blog sooooooooon!! lols, everyone get ready to relink! :P heheh.

Aw.....misssssed 2008200820082008~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......
Loveloveloveeeeeee clannad&afterstory!! :D:D haha.

continue dying, blog :D
hehe. muahhahaha :B

k enough craps, bye.

10:36 PM

Monday, August 3, 2009 ♥
Too much thoughts flooding my mind.

Ahh!! im so vexvexvexev!!!

Probably bcos of school work and so much stuffs left undone!!

Feel like going to a big field screaming out loud & no one can hear me.

I missed secondary school life hell lot!
omg.. i missed the great pals, friends, good friends, best friends, partners, who gave me great memories,
from sec 1 to 4..
everyone of you, made every part of my life,
it brighten up my school life,
made me look forward to school, even though there tests.
and the teachers, they're so nice..
concerning their students (not saying poly's dont)

Rly miss them, their jokes, and the work they gave.
But dun give it to me now.
Lols, so many stacked above me..
Ahh hope this sem faster end pls..

Hell, i rly miss my friends!!!!!!!!
They made me laugh everyday, every moment.
Esp those around me.

even when we're queuing up for lesson, we're still laughing.
kinda sad now.

All of us had gone separate ways,
& i felt that, everyone had moved on, except me.

im still standing at the very beginning of our secondary school memory.
everyday i go school happily, come home happily.
everyday is like holiday.
hai. but still, we have to move on.

We need education
in order to get good job
in order to get money

no money cant live in this stupid society.

shit you.
why the hell is there such thing as money.
it's just a piece of paper, yet it's so important in life.
wth .

hate & love money.

im so piss out of sudden,
so emo -.-


I wish for fantasy,
keep running running in a enchanted forest,
those super green or yellow kind,
with fallen dried leaves on the ground..
running and running...
keep running without fall.
and to the wonderland

gosh, im seriously imagining that..
but these can only be imagined..
doesnt exist. sigh..

Hope sept can come fast!! i wan a holiday!!!!!!
so that i can celebrate! ;D

With friendssss!! :D & hopefully cousins too! :D

Random: Wilber's new album rocks!!! LOL!! :D

Return me to last year. sigh!

anyway my tutorial havent dooooo! gosh! ciao!

10:35 PM

Wednesday, July 22, 2009 ♥
Memorable experience ;)

Okay, what's the memorable thingy.?

I'm SICK!!!!....
is Im sick with my sister! LOL

Both temperature hits 39.5 ! LOL
Crazy siah .

Monday after school reach home, took temp. & went to sleep. it was 38.7 i think lol. so shioking la. never seen thermometer jump so fast before siah! lOl .
My second sis' one also, heard hers was 39. something? LOL

Like so crazy, 34, 35,36,37,38 then finally slow down... =.=

wanted to go school on tuesday, cos usually fever 1 day gone le.
then next morning wake up,
felt okay, but then temperature is 39.5 -_- so sian siah. never want to go school so much before haha.

then stay at home lor, waited for big sis to bring both me and my second sis to the doctor, when we were outside, taking temp via the ear-kind of thermometer, my temp. was 39, then hers was 39.4. wow i still remember, seems like it doesnt burn my brain cells(idiot) much (:
then when we go in the doc's room, use the mouth-thermometer, my temp. was 39.7 -.- & my sis one was 39.9 siah LOL . so high, -.-

my mum spam pills on us LOL,
this incident trained me to swallow a few pills in one mouth! LOL, know why. cos got one time, my mum woke me up, then she straight away throw pills into my mouth -_-!!! scared me siah, tot im going to get choked to death -_-

anyway, yea. then seen the doc, took medicine then temp became lower @ night, and finally, able to go school today! hahaha, and my fever gone liao! :D but my sis still havent recover ):

my cough & stupid sorethroat too. zZzz

anyway i wanna ask , does clearing throat contagious?! ZzzZ

k bye. gotta study for jap xD

anw, thanks all who had take great care of us and had concerned us, esp my great mama :D

2:22 PM

Sunday, July 19, 2009 ♥
Quiz again

Are you nosy?

Nosy Level: 70%

You may seem to be a nosy person to some people, but actually you are quite a serious person who's not at all interested in gossip. You just like to know what's going on around you. It's a natural interest and you can get offended when people tell you they think you're a sticky-beak.

Jealousy test-

Jealousy Level: 40%

You harbor hidden feelings of jealousy

You easily get jealous of other people, but you manage to control your expressions and emotions. For instance, when a close friend tells you that she has met the man of her dreams, you might sincerely say to her "Congratulations!", but what you're really thinking is "You're so lucky! Why can't I be you?"


How you control your husband, who will lead the family and who will be led?

You tend to adopt traditional roles of a fine woman. You listen to what your husband tell you attentively and enjoy being guided and led by him.

Your marriage

How will you choose your Mr Right?

You will make the most of being able to shop around for Mr Right. You love your freedom and will have a lot of fun learning about what sort of man you like. When you do find the guy for you, nobody will be able to keep you away from the church.

Who will be your future Mr Right?

Your future hubby will be lovely and sweet, but a little immature - possibly even a spoilt brat! This guy will trigger your maternal instinct. You'll always be willing to watch his back and clean up his mess. He might be the same age as you are or even younger.(Oh no please to the last sentence x.x)

When will you get married?

As soon as you fall in love, you'll want to grab your man and hang on to him. You will probably marry very young, so it would be wise of you to think carefully before committing.

What sort of wife will you be?

If your hubby is crazy enough to ask you to do silly things, you may as well have fun with him. You'll make a fun-loving wife.

Will you and your husband have a good time together?

You and your spouse will choose to spend time on more romantic activities. You won't end up quite as healthy, but you'll have plenty of fun going out for drinks, watching concerts or playing cards at home with other friends.

What will your children be like?

Your kids will be very naughty. They will often get into trouble but you will have a great time bringing these fun-loving kids up. They are lively and smart.

How loyal are you?

You get along very well with most guys.(hmm..) Sometimes your friendliness misleads others to think that you're a bit of a flirt, but actually you've got a loyal heart. You'll never have eyes for anyone except your beloved husband.

ok larh. sian le hahah.
Fun :D quizbox.com (:

7:44 PM

Quizzes to know my personality

Lol, did a noteon facebook, which link to this web.
Juz wanna know myself abit more, thus took somemore..
All quite true (:

  1. You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
  2. You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
  3. You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
  4. Guys see you as being a thinker and a careful person. They will be really attracted to this quality in you, but you need to learn to speak your mind, otherwise people will find you too shy and quiet. Learn to relax and lighten up--it's okay to have fun sometimes. When you learn to develop your fun-loving side, guys are going to flock to your side.
  5. Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
You are the type to fall quickly and passionately in love, but will commit to a person forever when this happens. When you choose to love someone, it's going to be a strong relationship and nothing will come between you and your lover. But beware: love can turn you blind, and the rest of the world might cease to exist while you are in that honeymoon phase. When you come down from your high, you may find you have neglected other people and things that you love.

Bright and Cheerful

You are always cheerful and charming. You never get too serious with people when they're around, but when you are alone, you think carefully about what they have said. That's because you don't want anyone to see you being too somber. Your personality means you have a lot of friends and you are often the center of attention. Many people who fall into this category become artists and movie stars, perhaps fame could be yours in the future as well.

You value your friendships: 50%

You value your friendships quite a lot but you don't like to show your feelings to others. You would rather keep your feelings to yourself than share them with your friends. You might get a pleasant surprise if you are more open about caring for people - they will probably let you know that you're special to them, too.

Your sweetheart is a serious and introverted person. Being ambitious makes him a responsible and hardworking person. He will make a good family man--eventually! Even though he may seem a bit too serious sometimes, deep down he is a very gentle person and he is able to look on the lighter side of life with a smile. He doesn't enjoy going out, so if you want to please him try cooking a nice dinner or knitting him a sweater. (Your sweetheart = ME MYSELF (: )

7:15 PM

Tuesday, June 9, 2009 ♥
Head bursting

Stresss stress stress
vex vex vex
hate hate hate


5:10 PM

Monday, June 1, 2009 ♥
018. Busy Days!

Hi guys, back :D

Damn busy, tts why no blog,
and also no mood to blog x:

Actually got many pics, but i lazy upload XD
Maybe during my 2wks holiday then upload bah x:

Whew, finally rushed finish the proposal, but now got presentation -.-
Done my e-learning; its like double the normal school work la..
but it's ok, i love staying @ home, and save the time travelling around-.-

but e-learning still nid to travel arnd = damn sian.
went back to school for 3 days,
super tiring...-.- then 2 days met up with classmate to do project
And i had my Jap speaking test!!! ^^
Tcher say Im fine, no mistakes! hahahahah . (:

And i was sleeping @ 2am? for like 3 days???
needa chiong project, sian..
then my mum keep nagging @ me for sleeping so late!!
haha so ytd slept damn early, ok la, not so, jus 1030pm...

Hais... rly miss secondary school!
I miss everyone in class... except 2... LOl x:
Bazilah - the Tehhamingu! claps FIVE TIMES, BASHA! :D:D
My ahfamily! the craziest and lamest clique! :P
Charmaine tay - The crazy girl who always say i look like ahem- xP
guess what? she said she saw me on TV ytd! -.- Lols, guess ya guys know what it meant lols.
Amirah - the one who goes crazy over Shawn LEE :D
& More. haha.

Aih, how fun was it? So many crazy ppl gathering in one class! T_T
i miss eating with them, playing with them, bullying them! LOL :)

Sob... hope poly life will be better for me asap...
currently only one word can describe poly - SIAN .

Okay ciao~

8:55 AM

Saturday, May 16, 2009 ♥
017. Lifeless

Yea.. Life isn't happening ever since i stepped into Poly officially.
Not happening is not equivalent to not having any events.

It's just like plainly studying. Lol.

Have some pics to upload, but im so lazy la!!
Coz there are many stones/rocks stacking above my head-.-

So tiring ! T_T

Hope can faster holiday, or even graduate! HAHAHAHAHA X:


10:49 PM

Saturday, May 9, 2009 ♥
My favourite lyrics!

街道 我徘徊 灯 亮起来 冰冷冷的雾气 风 吹不散
看着你 离开 心有点乱 该热闹的时候 你却不在

一个人能说出怎么样的对白 空房间只剩我的 无奈
花谢了 花又开 你却不再回来 静静的试着 忘了爱

等着你醒来 天有些暗 站在这里只为了 你回来

一个人能说出怎么样的对白 空房间只剩我的 无奈
花谢了 花又开 你却不再回来 静静的试着 忘了爱

To listen&View;

<带我走>(My blogsong)

3:44 PM

016. Hilarious award to weiyi!! :P

HEHE!! Ever been to my house and saw the cardboard full of trophys a.k.a 破头烂铁?
HAHA Yep! today im going to talk about MINE trophys! :P

Anyway, let me show u the winner's face first..... (:




KA! Here it is!! :D:D
Please dont doubt its taken on April 19, 2009!! :D:D
Dont believe? Check out my 21st April's post!!! (:

Okay time to "show off' my trophies! :P

This, was awarded to me when i was primary 1! hahaha .
my father was there with me.
It's a drawing competition i think,
lols, i got 5th leh!!! but still, consolation prize! T_T


Hahahah this one is really funny!! LLols.
It's actually the...

Frisbee Throwing award 1ST! LOL .
Free trophy!!!! LMAO!! -_______________-
So funny la! Lol!

Then the next...

HAhaha this one, Relay 1st!
LOL, this one i think i ran myself la! haha.
cfm not reserve! :P
but i rly can't rmb how i ran le.. X: Lols. i think it was during Primary 4 LOl

K, next......

Hehe, Second in Class!! hahaha.. SO happy~
Eh! but still very good k, Though is 2A, but it doesnt mean it's a bad class kk!
cos primary 1 and primary 2 do not have any ranking! HAHAHA,
So not bad, weiyi! Goodjob! *Tumbs Up!*

This was during Primary 1! LOl, i so noob. only get award during P1 & P2 for acad. LOl

See, my 5 eh should be 4 to be precise, trophies in this cardboard-.-
the rest is my sis, and my father's one lOl

Okie! Bye! Lols

1:16 PM

015. Continued, from my nick..

It's time to give you up.. i guess? (:
But its too deep, how am i going to let go...!! can u freaking teach me??

it takes me a short time to fall in love with you,
and years to forget about you .
i need time! really,
but do i really want to forget you ?
yes, i want, but i cant, i've tried times and again.
perhaps the only way to forget u is by substitution,
but u think so easy to find??

Why do i always go crazy over those impossible man,
cos i cant find any other subs,
but nevermind, i'll still try my best...

i really wish to be with you,
even if it's just one day, i'll be contented.

however, i know my limit, i'll never be with you.
Haha. what a contradiction.
i'm just expressing what i feel, nothing else.
please pardon me.

Anyway, this was not what i wanted to blog initially,
but times had ripen my thoughts.
thus im blogging these stuffz now.
aih, i rly n eeda sleep! haha, so tired.

Went out with my sis' primers woodlands gang for supper, haha .
so funny,
they're really friendly. (:
As lame as my sis haha, and me la!! can?? Hahah
haha but all of them are seniors.. what a pity!! T_T Lols .
Haihai! hahah got one is even older than my big sis! :Lmao .

So tired le, and coughing non-stop, luckily tmr can rest-.-
rahh! bye,
sometimes i feel that poly life doesn't seems to be for humans. LOL
Lols, nvm, most probably is im a bad time-planner! LOL
Okok ,i blamed myself, happy?
Yea. bye!

1:48 AM

Thursday, May 7, 2009 ♥
Update la!

Yay, i know what to blog about le, but
tmr got presentation + tutorials-.-
So tired!
somemore havent print my lecture notes yet. !

and im having a damn headache now. -.-
life is rather sian recently
and many problems at home-_-
Dunno why recently like so suay-_-

Okay whatever! bye!
Maybe blogging tomorrow!!
HAHAHA cos the day after tomorrow is......... SATURDAY!! YAY! :P

10:45 PM

Sunday, May 3, 2009 ♥
I <3 Ahfamily!

yay~ today went to library,
initially only going with peishan and catherine only.
haha, end up having tangjie karen they all at library too!
but we sat seperately..
then when evening coming,
keqi cheryl jiaen came too! ^^
hahaha weijie also came a while with his friend hahah

was queuing up this morning at 9 am outside the library haha.
seee, i said QUEUE..
im sure usually they dun have the queue line,
but due to SWINE flu,
they built it..
so funny.
but still got ppl cut queue!!! ):
nvm la, heckare.
still got many spaces :P

yep, then went to makan at 6pm + sia!!~~
so hungry!
even my sis can hear my stomach making noises-.-
oh ya, my sis was in the library too!
haha coincidencely, sat behind the table behind me LOL.

super qiao!! lols.

Okay, then i ate the duck rice and had ice kachang with ahgui~
ahha the auntie make the ice kachang damn fast sia..

lols, which makes me suddenly thought that Aunties are really pros.
they can do things much faster than teenagers sia!!!
like all the work i done,
they all very fast in action one!!!! hahaha
super pei fu.
maybe some other teenagers also la,
but im a slow one.
lol .

when i ordered the rice, the auntie say my replies damn slow and soft-.-
Lols, paiseh, damn hungry la!!

haha btw, when comes to typing, im sure we'll win!! right!!! :D:D

Okay bye!

why are things no longer the same??
sigh.... where were the happiness?...

10:24 PM

Saturday, May 2, 2009 ♥

Heyhey! im having coughs now!! hahahahahah .
and block nose!!

Wooo i kenna swine flu is it?
lols., ok la, no flu , flu i think ok le.
but so stupid lor, my mouth keep sick one!!
if i got swine flu, what will happen?
will i die?
will i scared?
will i be happy?
I dont know

some of the crazy thoughts must be driven by the stresses i had now ! ):
Hahahaha .
dont care la!!! BYE!! :D:D

10:49 PM

(: Smileys

Yo~ ytd went out with secondary school friends!! :D:D
Keqi, jiaen, helen, peishan, tangjie, susan, meichuin, cheryl and me!
SO happy so funnnnnnnn~~~
unlike poly life-.- lols .

k, we went to vivo haha, dont ask me why too :P
then ate at Earle Swensens,
saw kelly & shuhua working, haha.
haha, i almost lost my phone sia!
luckily kelly picked it up from my seat! haha.
if not i die le sia!! lols.
after that we walked around the vivo and went to meet Helen.
Initially wanna eat ice cream, but end up drinking @ coffeebean. Lols.

then went to Douby Ghaut a.k.a Plaza Sing.
cos they wanna buy something,
then went to eat dinner and go home! :(
Happy moments just passed so fast... sigh..

anyway, pics heree.

Web Camming with Teo helen in school !! HAHA.
this crazy girl lols

Then this following pic is during Je's bday :P
TJ tou pai one hahah.

Chocolates is now the favourite of my whole family!! hahaha.
so many kinder bueno.

LOL see how ffast my mum replenish for us!! haha
the top one is taken 2904. then ytd 0105 became more,
hahahah. love my mummmmmmmy!!! HAHAHA.
so many chocolates for us...WOohoo!!! :D Love it!

Okay, then pics of ytd @ Earle Swensens, Vivo & Douby Ghaut.


me & ahshan (:

At Earle

Salad of mine! hahahaha. jiapatlang sia! :D
anyhow mix mix , omg so nice-.-
But so full la! if not i sure take 2nd plate !! :(

My fish and chips!

Pure double chocolate @ CoffeeBean (:

Caught by Tangjie again lOl! i looked damn stupid, okay!!

Me with Keqi! (: + cheryl hahahaha!

group phots!!! :D:D

they sat down and ate dinner! haha so kelian right,
cos stupid KFC dont have seats ): Lols .

the camera took too long to capture, lol,
everyone end up lmao! :P

haha Gifts from peishan!
mine is the one with *v*
hahah yeahhhhhhhhhh . (:

Okay time to do homework!!! BYEBYE!!!

12:08 PM

Thursday, April 30, 2009 ♥
010. Think again..... or think too much?

Kae, this is going to be an emo post again...

sometimes i wonder, am i really pessimistic, or am i just acting pessimistic?
Lack of love? looking for attention?
HAHA. i dont know!
As i grow, im getting more and more stranger to myself!
i seems to know nothing about myself anymore,
but i know, im in love with chocolates recently! HAHA. X:

anyway, saw the news, my pigs got flu! ):
Sob!! please get well soon kaes, pigsses :P

okay, im still sick, i dont know why,
MAYBE i tio swine flu? :D

ok, my sickness now is like wad i said previously,
blocked nose , sore throat, fever...
super pain sia.-.-
sometimes i wonder, did i return to the wrong place?
maybe i shouldnt go home, should just go hospital and await for hell to summon me? ):

Just now i was wondering, since school is so stress and tiring,
and life is short,
why not i just quit school and go work full time job?
and have fun?
lOls, life should be fun, but why, it doesn't seems so,
in order for one to be successful, he/she need to suffer so much now!
so tiring,
skarli havent even enjoy, already 累死(Tired to death)! -.-


then hor, now when i tell ppl i sick, all say i swine flu-.-
but jus now roy say to me too,
then i say, i hope i kenna, then can die fast LOl-.-

Living is like so cham now la -.-
haha, maybe i just dont know how to treasure..
now, i'm just living for my family, and maybe my good friends too,
cos they're the only ones who made me happy.

where have the cheerful weiyi gone?
As cheerful as i am, it was when i was in primary school or kindergarden, or even when i was a 4 yr old kid.
cos that's when i dont have so much problems and worries.


It's only 10% happiness and 90% sorrows.

10:47 PM

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 ♥
009. Chop it!

i'm feeelingggg sooooo deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad nowwwwwwwwwwwwww.......


I think im sick; sore throat, fever, blocked nose!
Wth -.-
then bone pain -.-

Wheee... im dyinggggggggggggggg ^^

anyway today is rly a tiring day..

Today i went to school w Charmaine, Edric and Peishan. haha.
i followed them to Dover @ 7+ cos their lessons start 8am,
while mine is 9am! LOL
i just follow la, damn sian lol.
& i get to quarrel with Edric again, sometimes i rly wonder if out 8-character digit rly curse each other or nt=.= talk one time quarrel 1 time!!-.-

todae we only quarrelled a little, lol cos i dun get him :P
so fun, going sch w friends!! xD
thn i reached school at 8.30am, lol. walked to my classroom & use laptop..
like so no life!!
i was the only one there hahaha.
after that had lessons until 4 sia!!! no lunch!! ):
damn hungry la-.-
then whole day in aircon, nose blocked like ERP PIE lalala..
actually ytd have liao la lol -.-
dun feel like going school de lor, cos feeling very sick-.-
but scared miss out something, and also, if u're sick and din turn up for school, need to do many things sia!! what a hassle-.-

ok then 4 break til 5 then go microecons' lecture
LOL i almost fell asleep-.-
to prevent myself from falling asleep, i on my laptop Lools. x:
finally, lasted me til 630 lol, then ended-.-
8pm then reached home!!
wa lao, such a long day ):

Hais, now im so sick lor, feel like chopping my nose off!!! ):

Okay lame, bye!! :D

I've been telling roy i missssss pinching him!!! hahahahaha

hais, missed secondary school life!!! BUT I STILL, hhate the exams! LOL :P

9:04 PM

Sunday, April 26, 2009 ♥
008. Eventfull :D

Yea, first week of school is indeed damn busy!!!
so many things to get, to settle!!!
1st day most shiok, cos end at 3 start at 11 haha.
then hor, the rest is like hell la,
3 days start 9, then 1 day start 8am!! -_-
some more those which i need to go school earlier,
i can only go home around 3 or 4pm la!! T_T
GOT ONE DAY!! can go home at 12!!!! BUT I GOT JAP CLASS! DAMN IT,
so going home at 8 lor, idiot sia T_T..
hai , nvm bah, compared to others' timetable,
mine is like not bad le bah :)
anyway everyday reach home is like 5/6 pm?
then bath, makan 8pm,
AFTER THAT still nid to assignment!!! Omg-.-
nowonder, i see so many pandas in school.... LOL.

OKAY ANYWAY, i've been to my BIT camp on Friday afternoon,
haha and break camp on Saturday 8pm-.-
lol, it was quite fun la, knew more people. (:

& U SEE, the place we sleeping!! LIKE HOTEL SIA!! SO SHIOK!!! XD
hahaha. 1 of my camp fren say it's his ideal home! LMAO..
k here it is (:

Living room

The rooms for us to sleep (:

HAHA chio right, everyone says "shiok" to it ! LMAO.
1st day slept at 2am lor, so tiring!! -.-
cos we got night walk..
ok la.. not rly scary, just feeling ABIT eerie nia.. hahaha
anyway i think that this is a good thing for me :P

Then today went to library with AHFAMILY!!! + cheryl & meichuin. (:
so funnnnnnnnnnnn!! though we just walking around and eating joking chatting (:
I still enjoy getting together with my sec sch clique :D

(The black & white specs.)

If u think its not nice, FINE! haha
i dun care la... hahah.

Alright! bye!! :(
sob tmr nid go sch at 8+! T_T
sigh* sianness

10:29 PM