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Detailed info;
N.Wei Yi, 17'o9, o1'Feb'92.
1A2A3C4G5F6H,1E22E23E24E2,BIT. :D
♥ Family
♥ Dark chocolate (most)
♥ Food
♥ Music
♥ Teppei Koike. XZ, Jay.
× Insects
× Smokers
× Liar
× Rootbeer

Best viewed in Mozilla Firefox (sorry~X:)

Ype ★

Ack ★

My past 1 My past 2 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 March 2010

Sic ★

MySpace Music Playlist at MixPod.com

Bye ★

Amirah Audrey CharmaineO CharmaineT Helen Jessica Jiaen Joslin Kelly Keqi Maxine Minkai
Mrfeng Peishan Qinglin Samantha Sean Sheemin Susan Tangjie Vivian Weijie Weikiat Wenjie Yuancai
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 ♥
Get to know me more

What's on your mind?
You'll drop everything to be with the partner of your dreams, and you'll give their sentimental presents rather than expensive ones. Nevertheless, your spontaneous nature does have a limit, and when the romance is over, you'll head back to work to pick up the pieces.

Fav. Animal: Bird
You love nature and freedom. You find rules and regulations to be an utter waste of time. When you feel that you are being controlled, you will try to escape. On weekends, you prefer to travel rather than stay at home.

12:07 AM

Thursday, August 13, 2009 ♥
Hate spoiler xXxXx !

~.~ Study week is here..
haha... so happy.... yet so scared will slack too much x.x
anyway it's good larh, dont need waste so much time travelling to school..

Omg, so look forward to september siah..
can play til siao! :D

30th August: Go back secondary school; sakae! :D
4th~5th Sept: Night Cycling with primers~ (:
6th Sept: Ahying's bday! LOl. actually nothing much too!hahahahah :P jkjk!~
8~10 Sept: Chalet with GFs! :D
Then whad ?
no larh.. :P will plan sometime to kbox & shopping hahahahhahahaha xD
September suddenly rocks so much!
No projects to do, no schoolwork! WOOHOOO~~ Lols!

Hai, but starting from 22nd sept.. need to worry school stuffs liao~~ RESULTS! T________T

Hai, so tired sia... faster septseptsept.. but i dont want to shorten the time for me to study for exams-.-!! lols. so crappy right.

Anyway creating new blog sooooooooon!! lols, everyone get ready to relink! :P heheh.

Aw.....misssssed 2008200820082008~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......
Loveloveloveeeeeee clannad&afterstory!! :D:D haha.

continue dying, blog :D
hehe. muahhahaha :B

k enough craps, bye.

10:36 PM

Monday, August 3, 2009 ♥
Too much thoughts flooding my mind.

Ahh!! im so vexvexvexev!!!

Probably bcos of school work and so much stuffs left undone!!

Feel like going to a big field screaming out loud & no one can hear me.

I missed secondary school life hell lot!
omg.. i missed the great pals, friends, good friends, best friends, partners, who gave me great memories,
from sec 1 to 4..
everyone of you, made every part of my life,
it brighten up my school life,
made me look forward to school, even though there tests.
and the teachers, they're so nice..
concerning their students (not saying poly's dont)

Rly miss them, their jokes, and the work they gave.
But dun give it to me now.
Lols, so many stacked above me..
Ahh hope this sem faster end pls..

Hell, i rly miss my friends!!!!!!!!
They made me laugh everyday, every moment.
Esp those around me.

even when we're queuing up for lesson, we're still laughing.
kinda sad now.

All of us had gone separate ways,
& i felt that, everyone had moved on, except me.

im still standing at the very beginning of our secondary school memory.
everyday i go school happily, come home happily.
everyday is like holiday.
hai. but still, we have to move on.

We need education
in order to get good job
in order to get money

no money cant live in this stupid society.

shit you.
why the hell is there such thing as money.
it's just a piece of paper, yet it's so important in life.
wth .

hate & love money.

im so piss out of sudden,
so emo -.-


I wish for fantasy,
keep running running in a enchanted forest,
those super green or yellow kind,
with fallen dried leaves on the ground..
running and running...
keep running without fall.
and to the wonderland

gosh, im seriously imagining that..
but these can only be imagined..
doesnt exist. sigh..

Hope sept can come fast!! i wan a holiday!!!!!!
so that i can celebrate! ;D

With friendssss!! :D & hopefully cousins too! :D

Random: Wilber's new album rocks!!! LOL!! :D

Return me to last year. sigh!

anyway my tutorial havent dooooo! gosh! ciao!

10:35 PM