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N.Wei Yi, 17'o9, o1'Feb'92.
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009 ♥
Memorable experience ;)

Okay, what's the memorable thingy.?

I'm SICK!!!!....
is Im sick with my sister! LOL

Both temperature hits 39.5 ! LOL
Crazy siah .

Monday after school reach home, took temp. & went to sleep. it was 38.7 i think lol. so shioking la. never seen thermometer jump so fast before siah! lOl .
My second sis' one also, heard hers was 39. something? LOL

Like so crazy, 34, 35,36,37,38 then finally slow down... =.=

wanted to go school on tuesday, cos usually fever 1 day gone le.
then next morning wake up,
felt okay, but then temperature is 39.5 -_- so sian siah. never want to go school so much before haha.

then stay at home lor, waited for big sis to bring both me and my second sis to the doctor, when we were outside, taking temp via the ear-kind of thermometer, my temp. was 39, then hers was 39.4. wow i still remember, seems like it doesnt burn my brain cells(idiot) much (:
then when we go in the doc's room, use the mouth-thermometer, my temp. was 39.7 -.- & my sis one was 39.9 siah LOL . so high, -.-

my mum spam pills on us LOL,
this incident trained me to swallow a few pills in one mouth! LOL, know why. cos got one time, my mum woke me up, then she straight away throw pills into my mouth -_-!!! scared me siah, tot im going to get choked to death -_-

anyway, yea. then seen the doc, took medicine then temp became lower @ night, and finally, able to go school today! hahaha, and my fever gone liao! :D but my sis still havent recover ):

my cough & stupid sorethroat too. zZzz

anyway i wanna ask , does clearing throat contagious?! ZzzZ

k bye. gotta study for jap xD

anw, thanks all who had take great care of us and had concerned us, esp my great mama :D

2:22 PM

Sunday, July 19, 2009 ♥
Quiz again

Are you nosy?

Nosy Level: 70%

You may seem to be a nosy person to some people, but actually you are quite a serious person who's not at all interested in gossip. You just like to know what's going on around you. It's a natural interest and you can get offended when people tell you they think you're a sticky-beak.

Jealousy test-

Jealousy Level: 40%

You harbor hidden feelings of jealousy

You easily get jealous of other people, but you manage to control your expressions and emotions. For instance, when a close friend tells you that she has met the man of her dreams, you might sincerely say to her "Congratulations!", but what you're really thinking is "You're so lucky! Why can't I be you?"


How you control your husband, who will lead the family and who will be led?

You tend to adopt traditional roles of a fine woman. You listen to what your husband tell you attentively and enjoy being guided and led by him.

Your marriage

How will you choose your Mr Right?

You will make the most of being able to shop around for Mr Right. You love your freedom and will have a lot of fun learning about what sort of man you like. When you do find the guy for you, nobody will be able to keep you away from the church.

Who will be your future Mr Right?

Your future hubby will be lovely and sweet, but a little immature - possibly even a spoilt brat! This guy will trigger your maternal instinct. You'll always be willing to watch his back and clean up his mess. He might be the same age as you are or even younger.(Oh no please to the last sentence x.x)

When will you get married?

As soon as you fall in love, you'll want to grab your man and hang on to him. You will probably marry very young, so it would be wise of you to think carefully before committing.

What sort of wife will you be?

If your hubby is crazy enough to ask you to do silly things, you may as well have fun with him. You'll make a fun-loving wife.

Will you and your husband have a good time together?

You and your spouse will choose to spend time on more romantic activities. You won't end up quite as healthy, but you'll have plenty of fun going out for drinks, watching concerts or playing cards at home with other friends.

What will your children be like?

Your kids will be very naughty. They will often get into trouble but you will have a great time bringing these fun-loving kids up. They are lively and smart.

How loyal are you?

You get along very well with most guys.(hmm..) Sometimes your friendliness misleads others to think that you're a bit of a flirt, but actually you've got a loyal heart. You'll never have eyes for anyone except your beloved husband.

ok larh. sian le hahah.
Fun :D quizbox.com (:

7:44 PM

Quizzes to know my personality

Lol, did a noteon facebook, which link to this web.
Juz wanna know myself abit more, thus took somemore..
All quite true (:

  1. You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
  2. You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
  3. You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
  4. Guys see you as being a thinker and a careful person. They will be really attracted to this quality in you, but you need to learn to speak your mind, otherwise people will find you too shy and quiet. Learn to relax and lighten up--it's okay to have fun sometimes. When you learn to develop your fun-loving side, guys are going to flock to your side.
  5. Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
You are the type to fall quickly and passionately in love, but will commit to a person forever when this happens. When you choose to love someone, it's going to be a strong relationship and nothing will come between you and your lover. But beware: love can turn you blind, and the rest of the world might cease to exist while you are in that honeymoon phase. When you come down from your high, you may find you have neglected other people and things that you love.

Bright and Cheerful

You are always cheerful and charming. You never get too serious with people when they're around, but when you are alone, you think carefully about what they have said. That's because you don't want anyone to see you being too somber. Your personality means you have a lot of friends and you are often the center of attention. Many people who fall into this category become artists and movie stars, perhaps fame could be yours in the future as well.

You value your friendships: 50%

You value your friendships quite a lot but you don't like to show your feelings to others. You would rather keep your feelings to yourself than share them with your friends. You might get a pleasant surprise if you are more open about caring for people - they will probably let you know that you're special to them, too.

Your sweetheart is a serious and introverted person. Being ambitious makes him a responsible and hardworking person. He will make a good family man--eventually! Even though he may seem a bit too serious sometimes, deep down he is a very gentle person and he is able to look on the lighter side of life with a smile. He doesn't enjoy going out, so if you want to please him try cooking a nice dinner or knitting him a sweater. (Your sweetheart = ME MYSELF (: )

7:15 PM