19 April 2009,
ECP; East coast park.
went out with my cousins, aunt and my siblings.
Lols, fun sia!!
cycled for 2 hours.. played @ beach,
then we went to eat.(:
& we took alot of pictures!! xD funnn...! :D
heh enjoy...

us, with bikes. :D

My sis and my aunt's back :D with my little cousin behind ^^

My 2nd sis hah.

my cousins!! the 暧昧 ones.. LOL. -.-

We stopped by, and went to a beach.. full of seashells!! :D

so cute right!! hahah, but very nottie! x:

my bro & sis lol

see, they gonna 暧昧 again.. lol.s


LOL, i looked so kiddish T_T

dont say im big size!

see, im so small size... lol

2 crazy girl lol.

my aunt :D

Brave sister lols.

Long shore drift? :P or spit? lols

Me.... with short hair.. if only...

I DINT CUT MY HAIR, will it look this way??! LOL!!! X:
ok i know, poorly edited. x:

she wanna be vegetarian :)

all trying to get some nice seashells..=.-

obaka. ;)

turtles. hehh !

my hair is slapping me, anyway, spot the direction of wind!! Haha.

Big sis and me.

another 2 crazy fellos.


acac!!! lol, joking!

cousin zy!

he thinks he's a construction worker-.-

emo-ing o_O

my bike

my sis w her bike. ;)

Okay, we took the above pics while we're waiting for the few to come up!!
cos we need to go back le... lols.
then my little cousin...

went to call them! haha so cute!!!

take pic again -.-

O_O so effective!!!! :D:D

my sis buaysong! x.x

finally back :)

took these as i cycled back.. :)

nice sky :)

stopped by,
wanted to take pic

but i dont know how to use my timer cam,
so..LOL. end up taking my sis only -.-

nice scenery! (ignore the ppl pls.lols )

act cool!! lols.

washing up, after returning bikes.

hahaha my bro !

Makan le, then go home :D


The end.
Funfunfun!! ahahha .
Love it, total spent $14 :D
cheap eh! :D:D
Then 20 04 2009, my first day of school,
i find the lecture was ok la, quite fun.
then went to CCA fiesta with je all,
hahah i joined CHINESE ORCHESTRA!! LOL,
can u believe?!! Yes right..
haha, back to those kind of CCA again lols,
primary school was band,
secondary was volley,
now CO! Lols,
actuallly i can go home at 1pm,
but we stayed until 5pm
cos... my lessons was cancelled! wth-.-
im so bored now, and so hungry! T_T
Okay la, i go buy food le, bye!
9:49 AM