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Detailed info;
N.Wei Yi, 17'o9, o1'Feb'92.
1A2A3C4G5F6H,1E22E23E24E2,BIT. :D
♥ Family
♥ Dark chocolate (most)
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♥ Teppei Koike. XZ, Jay.
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My past 1 My past 2 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 March 2010

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Amirah Audrey CharmaineO CharmaineT Helen Jessica Jiaen Joslin Kelly Keqi Maxine Minkai
Mrfeng Peishan Qinglin Samantha Sean Sheemin Susan Tangjie Vivian Weijie Weikiat Wenjie Yuancai
Thursday, April 30, 2009 ♥
010. Think again..... or think too much?

Kae, this is going to be an emo post again...

sometimes i wonder, am i really pessimistic, or am i just acting pessimistic?
Lack of love? looking for attention?
HAHA. i dont know!
As i grow, im getting more and more stranger to myself!
i seems to know nothing about myself anymore,
but i know, im in love with chocolates recently! HAHA. X:

anyway, saw the news, my pigs got flu! ):
Sob!! please get well soon kaes, pigsses :P

okay, im still sick, i dont know why,
MAYBE i tio swine flu? :D

ok, my sickness now is like wad i said previously,
blocked nose , sore throat, fever...
super pain sia.-.-
sometimes i wonder, did i return to the wrong place?
maybe i shouldnt go home, should just go hospital and await for hell to summon me? ):

Just now i was wondering, since school is so stress and tiring,
and life is short,
why not i just quit school and go work full time job?
and have fun?
lOls, life should be fun, but why, it doesn't seems so,
in order for one to be successful, he/she need to suffer so much now!
so tiring,
skarli havent even enjoy, already 累死(Tired to death)! -.-


then hor, now when i tell ppl i sick, all say i swine flu-.-
but jus now roy say to me too,
then i say, i hope i kenna, then can die fast LOl-.-

Living is like so cham now la -.-
haha, maybe i just dont know how to treasure..
now, i'm just living for my family, and maybe my good friends too,
cos they're the only ones who made me happy.

where have the cheerful weiyi gone?
As cheerful as i am, it was when i was in primary school or kindergarden, or even when i was a 4 yr old kid.
cos that's when i dont have so much problems and worries.


It's only 10% happiness and 90% sorrows.

10:47 PM

Tuesday, April 28, 2009 ♥
009. Chop it!

i'm feeelingggg sooooo deaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad nowwwwwwwwwwwwww.......


I think im sick; sore throat, fever, blocked nose!
Wth -.-
then bone pain -.-

Wheee... im dyinggggggggggggggg ^^

anyway today is rly a tiring day..

Today i went to school w Charmaine, Edric and Peishan. haha.
i followed them to Dover @ 7+ cos their lessons start 8am,
while mine is 9am! LOL
i just follow la, damn sian lol.
& i get to quarrel with Edric again, sometimes i rly wonder if out 8-character digit rly curse each other or nt=.= talk one time quarrel 1 time!!-.-

todae we only quarrelled a little, lol cos i dun get him :P
so fun, going sch w friends!! xD
thn i reached school at 8.30am, lol. walked to my classroom & use laptop..
like so no life!!
i was the only one there hahaha.
after that had lessons until 4 sia!!! no lunch!! ):
damn hungry la-.-
then whole day in aircon, nose blocked like ERP PIE lalala..
actually ytd have liao la lol -.-
dun feel like going school de lor, cos feeling very sick-.-
but scared miss out something, and also, if u're sick and din turn up for school, need to do many things sia!! what a hassle-.-

ok then 4 break til 5 then go microecons' lecture
LOL i almost fell asleep-.-
to prevent myself from falling asleep, i on my laptop Lools. x:
finally, lasted me til 630 lol, then ended-.-
8pm then reached home!!
wa lao, such a long day ):

Hais, now im so sick lor, feel like chopping my nose off!!! ):

Okay lame, bye!! :D

I've been telling roy i missssss pinching him!!! hahahahaha

hais, missed secondary school life!!! BUT I STILL, hhate the exams! LOL :P

9:04 PM

Sunday, April 26, 2009 ♥
008. Eventfull :D

Yea, first week of school is indeed damn busy!!!
so many things to get, to settle!!!
1st day most shiok, cos end at 3 start at 11 haha.
then hor, the rest is like hell la,
3 days start 9, then 1 day start 8am!! -_-
some more those which i need to go school earlier,
i can only go home around 3 or 4pm la!! T_T
GOT ONE DAY!! can go home at 12!!!! BUT I GOT JAP CLASS! DAMN IT,
so going home at 8 lor, idiot sia T_T..
hai , nvm bah, compared to others' timetable,
mine is like not bad le bah :)
anyway everyday reach home is like 5/6 pm?
then bath, makan 8pm,
AFTER THAT still nid to assignment!!! Omg-.-
nowonder, i see so many pandas in school.... LOL.

OKAY ANYWAY, i've been to my BIT camp on Friday afternoon,
haha and break camp on Saturday 8pm-.-
lol, it was quite fun la, knew more people. (:

& U SEE, the place we sleeping!! LIKE HOTEL SIA!! SO SHIOK!!! XD
hahaha. 1 of my camp fren say it's his ideal home! LMAO..
k here it is (:

Living room

The rooms for us to sleep (:

HAHA chio right, everyone says "shiok" to it ! LMAO.
1st day slept at 2am lor, so tiring!! -.-
cos we got night walk..
ok la.. not rly scary, just feeling ABIT eerie nia.. hahaha
anyway i think that this is a good thing for me :P

Then today went to library with AHFAMILY!!! + cheryl & meichuin. (:
so funnnnnnnnnnnn!! though we just walking around and eating joking chatting (:
I still enjoy getting together with my sec sch clique :D

(The black & white specs.)

If u think its not nice, FINE! haha
i dun care la... hahah.

Alright! bye!! :(
sob tmr nid go sch at 8+! T_T
sigh* sianness

10:29 PM

Thursday, April 23, 2009 ♥
007. i feel so troubled! *烦

Hais, so many things to do, & i can't remember them all!!! HAIS!!!
Noted , but think still missed out some!!!! ahhhh!!!!! Zzzzzzzzzzzz....

(Took this cos i was lost-.-) took me 20 mins to find that block x:

@ Pizza hut w my sis, haha.
rushed down from my sch to CWP.
cos she wanna treat me! hahahah. x:

2 student value meal + 3 addons!
Sausage craze baked rice meal, Ham and smt. pizza meal, drumlets, garlic bread and the desert :)
hhahaha, thanks ahda! :)


6:31 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009 ♥
006. NEW BAG!!! :D

Yay, this is my new bag!! hahahahaa so like my old bag,
the one i use in secondary 1~3 :D

abt the same hor?
hahah, cos i purposely look for the one abt the same,
cos i love it!!!! :D Lol *crazy*


Sob, tmr is hell..
class: 8am~12pm, then! 6pm~8pm! wha biang-.-
why put so early de lesson... )):
Sob! 6 hrs to slack! god, people if u see my on9 pls talk to me between my slack time :P
Lol x:
Ok ciao!

10:37 PM

005. ECP w Couzzies!

19 April 2009,
ECP; East coast park.
went out with my cousins, aunt and my siblings.
Lols, fun sia!!
cycled for 2 hours.. played @ beach,
then we went to eat.(:

& we took alot of pictures!! xD funnn...! :D

heh enjoy...

us, with bikes. :D

My sis and my aunt's back :D with my little cousin behind ^^

My 2nd sis hah.

my cousins!! the 暧昧 ones.. LOL. -.-

We stopped by, and went to a beach.. full of seashells!! :D

so cute right!! hahah, but very nottie! x:

my bro & sis lol

see, they gonna 暧昧 again.. lol.s


LOL, i looked so kiddish T_T

dont say im big size!

see, im so small size... lol

2 crazy girl lol.

my aunt :D

Brave sister lols.

Long shore drift? :P or spit? lols

Me.... with short hair.. if only...

I DINT CUT MY HAIR, will it look this way??! LOL!!! X:
ok i know, poorly edited. x:

she wanna be vegetarian :)

all trying to get some nice seashells..=.-

obaka. ;)

turtles. hehh !

my hair is slapping me, anyway, spot the direction of wind!! Haha.

Big sis and me.

another 2 crazy fellos.


acac!!! lol, joking!

cousin zy!

he thinks he's a construction worker-.-

emo-ing o_O

my bike

my sis w her bike. ;)

Okay, we took the above pics while we're waiting for the few to come up!!
cos we need to go back le... lols.
then my little cousin...

went to call them! haha so cute!!!

take pic again -.-

O_O so effective!!!! :D:D

my sis buaysong! x.x

finally back :)

took these as i cycled back.. :)

nice sky :)

stopped by,
wanted to take pic

but i dont know how to use my timer cam,
so..LOL. end up taking my sis only -.-

nice scenery! (ignore the ppl pls.lols )

act cool!! lols.

washing up, after returning bikes.

hahaha my bro !

Makan le, then go home :D



The end.
Funfunfun!! ahahha .
Love it, total spent $14 :D
cheap eh! :D:D

Then 20 04 2009, my first day of school,
i find the lecture was ok la, quite fun.
then went to CCA fiesta with je all,
hahah i joined CHINESE ORCHESTRA!! LOL,
can u believe?!! Yes right..
haha, back to those kind of CCA again lols,
primary school was band,
secondary was volley,
now CO! Lols,
actuallly i can go home at 1pm,
but we stayed until 5pm

cos... my lessons was cancelled! wth-.-
im so bored now, and so hungry! T_T
Okay la, i go buy food le, bye!

9:49 AM